Interactive Session for Improvisation in Bioremediation
ONGC TERI Biotech Limited Interactive Session 2022-23
ONGC TERI Biotech Limited (OTBL) organized an interactive session in association with ONGC Corporate HSE at TERI Gram, Gurugram during 28-29 September 2022. The participants for the session included OTBL representatives from their field offices at various work-centers and ONGC officials from the work-centers looking after bio-remediation award & execution of Bioremediation jobs.
Dr. Banwari Lal, MD OTBL with Shri Ajay Dixit, ED - Chief HSE, ONGC chaired the inaugural session along with Shri Rajeeva Kumar, Head Environment, ONGC. They interacted with the participants and emphasized on strict compliance of the Hazardous and Other Wastes Rules, 2016 wherein the hazardous waste in the form of oily sludge / oil contaminated soil has to be disposed-off within 90 days of its generation. They also advised on the minimization of the pipeline leakages and timely addressal of the spillages, if any, to minimize damage to the surrounding environment.

Head Environment, ONGC and MD, OTBL interacting with the participants

The interactive session kick-started with the address from Dr. Banwari Lal, MD-OTBL and Shri Rajeeva Kumar, Head Environment, ONGC highlighting the detrimental consequences of improper management of hazardous waste especially, the fines/penalties imposed by the statutory authorities as a result of non-compliances. They emphasized the fact that with the centralized rate contracts in place for both in-situ & ex-situ bioremediation, there is a need to strictly adhere to the statutory timeline for disposal of hazardous waste. They also urged the participants to explore the possibility of recovery of maximum oil from the sludge having oil content more than 10%.
Dr. Banwari Lal, Managing Director, OTBL illustrated the key aspects for effective bio-remediation of oily sludge / oil contaminated waste. He made the participants understand the various activities involved in the ex-situ bioremediation process. He also shared the challenges that arise being in the bio-remediation treatment with various soil types and designing of customized bacteria mix accordingly.

Dr. Banwari Lal, presentation on Interactive Session for Improvisation in Bioremediation
In the beginning of Interactive session Dr. Banwari Lal, Managing Director, of the Company stated about the Success story of Oilzapper, highlighting on how the Oilzapper microbes were developed and challenges faced.
He further informed how the Lab team including PhD students worked tirelessly day and night towards the development of the product and its success story from Lab scale to field trials.
The trials were done in various oil refineries and oil installation in India and eventually, all oil refineries and oil installation started using the product. With the increase in demand of the product ONGC TERI Biotech Ltd (OTBL) was created for commercialization of the product in India and abroad.
He informed that the Oilzapper is designed depending on the soil, oil content and specific requirement. He also informed that Bioremediation is being done in two ways viz. Ex Situ and In Situ.
Shri Rajeeva Kumar said that Oilzapper story is really motivating and great learning from it that Perseverance and hard work always pay you off. Further he stated that the participants that we cannot afford to put waste in idle and OTBL team must be informed as per the guidelines. He also emphasized on recovery of oil to be done first and handing over the same to Installation Manager.

Mr. Mukesh Yadav
Production Manager & Area Convenor

Mr. Setu Goyal
SE- Environment CHSE
Presentations on Oilzapper Production and Guidelines of Hazardous Waste Management
Mr Mukesh Yadav, Incharge Oilzapper Production then gave the presentation on how to make the bacteria in bulk
Mr Setu Goyal, Corporate HSE made a detailed Presentation on Guidelines of Hazardous Waste Management, 2016 including categories of waste and management of the same. He told that if any waste is dumped outside the boundary or any non-compliance will attract media/statutory authorities and there is strict fine by NGT.
He also highlighted that the Transportation of waste must have authorization from State Pollution Control Board. It was also clarified that OTBL need to take approval of State Pollution Control Board only for transportation of the waste and not for entire work.
He advised to design/construct a smaller pit for the waste depending on the requirement. It was also suggested not to mix fresh sludge in the ongoing Bioremediation treatment.
He also informed that generated sludge can be dumped maximum to 90 days and then OTBL can be informed for Bioremediation.
He also suggested that whenever there any leakage occurs inform OTBL immediately and start work to avoid attention of the media.
He emphasized that all have to adhere to the Contract Conditions including testing analysis by NABL Accreditated Lab/MoEFCC approved. TPH to be analysed at zero day and till it reaches to 0.5% (lowest).
After the above presentation all the participants visited the Bioreactor Facility at TERI Gram, where Oilzapper microbes are produced in bulk.
After the visit participants from various Assets then highlighted their concern and sought suggestions for the same.
During the interaction with the representatives from both ONGC work-centers & OTBL field offices highlighted some of the practical problems being encountered by them. These included lifting of free oil from paddy fields in North East region, non-issuance of authorization for transportation of hazardous waste in western region, nonavailability of adequate bio-remediation pits etc. Some of the issues were resolved during the discussion and workable solutions would be arrived at for the rest through mutual discussions on case to case basis by both OTBL & ONGC officials.

ONGC and OTBL team members